Youth Artists Imagine Jus…

Original artwork by Virgin Islands youth artists was featured at an exhibit at 81C according to a recent press release. This art exhibit was the culmination of the Picture V.I. Justice Youth Art Contest, which got young people to put on their thinking caps, imagine what justice could look like in the Virgin Islands, and express their ideas through art, according to the press release.

The youth artists were asked the following Prompt: “Think about all of the different people who live in the Virgin Islands and imagine Justice for all. Draw a picture of what Justice for all looks like.” “It is important for us to stop and think about the obstacles facing our community through the eyes of a child,” said Casey Payton, executive director of the V.I. Justice Initiative. “We believe that the Picture V.I. Justice Youth Art Contest will give us an opportunity to learn from the youth of the Virgin Islands and to examine what equality and fairness look like,” she said. A panel of judges, including artists, educators, and attorneys, evaluated the entries and artist statements.

All youth artists received certificates and the three winners received trophies and $150 cash prizes.

Winners and Full Write up is here: Youth_Artists_Imagine_Justice_at_81C.PDF