The attorneys and staff at BoltNagi PC believe that there are compelling reasons to enhance the diversity within our law firm. We are committed to fostering diversity and equal opportunity in the practice of law. Diversity enhances the quality of our legal services and provides us with a rich and rewarding workplace.

We celebrate our employees’ differences, including but not limited to those related to race, gender, ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation, and reward and recognize our employees based on performance and results.

BoltNagi PC recognizes, values, and leverages the unique abilities of its attorneys and staff that are derived from their individual differences. The firm does so by creating an environment of inclusiveness, dignity and respect.

Our commitment to diversity is based on several assumptions:

  • A law firm that reflects the diversity of its marketplace is more likely to understand and be more responsive to its clients’ needs and goals;
  • A law firm that recognizes and supports diversity creates a healthy work environment for its attorneys and staff; and
  • A law firm that is inclusive, reflecting diversity at all levels, is able to tap new perspectives and capabilities.

Our goal is to create a diverse culture within our law firm that will reflect the increasing diversity of our clients and the communities we serve. All successful businesses are diverse and we are committed to recruiting, retaining and promoting diverse lawyers and staff. The firm has professionals of various faiths and multi-cultural backgrounds and our leadership sets the tone for creating and sustaining a diverse workplace. In furtherance of that commitment, our Managing Attorney has previously served as a member of the American Bar Association’s Presidential Advisory Council on Diversity in the Profession and as a member of the Publications Committee of the ABA’s Diversity Center. Our Assistant Managing Attorney is the first attorney of South Asian descent to serve as shareholder of any U.S. Virgin Islands law firm.